Pottermore login

LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT – Wizarding World

Wizarding World

LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT. Join your Hogwarts house, pose for your wizarding world portrait and more! Email Address. Password. Forgot your password? CONTINUE.

Welcome to the new Pottermore | Wizarding World

22.09.2015 — Do the Pottermore staff work in a castle? You’ve got a lot of questions. We’ve got a lot to tell you. So let’s make a deal: you continue to …

Register at Wizarding World

Wizarding World

TO START, ENTER YOUR BIRTH DATE. DATE OF BIRTH. DATE OF BIRTH. SIGN UP NOW. Pottermore? Sign up now.Already a member? Log in here.

Legacy Connect – Wizarding World

Log in or join the Harry Potter Fan Club. Get closer to the magic, discover your Hogwarts house and wand, and get the latest Wizarding World news and offers …

Wizarding World: The Official Home of Harry Potter

Connect now. Latest news … Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore. Delivering the latest news and …

How to unlock exclusive items in Hogwarts Legacy

How to unlock exclusive items in Hogwarts Legacy | Wizarding World

31.08.2022 — Now go to the WB Games website and either create an account or login to your existing one. You may be prompted to connect to us straight away – …

Enter your Pottermore email – Wizarding World

Wizarding World

Enter your Pottermore email. Created with Sketch. EMAIL ADDRESS. CONTINUE. WB Logo. For privacy options, please see our privacy policy: …

Integration des Hogwarts Legacy Fan-Kontos

Hogwarts Legacy – Integration des Fan-Kontos

Deutschland – Deutsch. MAGISCHER MITTWOCH Twitch Drops PC-ANFORDERUNGEN Schalte exklusive Belohnungen frei EINEN FEHLER MELDEN Kundenbetreuung · Sign in.

Erlebe Hogwarts im 19. Jahrhundert. Dein Charakter ist ein Schüler, der den Schlüssel zu einem uralten Geheimnis besitzt, das die Welt der Zauberei auseinander zu reißen droht. Finde Verbündete, bekämpfe schwarze Zauberer und entscheide über das Schicksal der Welt der Zauberei.

Pottermore Häusertest: Harry Potter Sprechender Hut Quiz

Pottermore-Quiz ohne Registrierung. Für dieses Quiz musst du dich nicht einloggen. Nimm einfach daran teil und beantworte jede Frage so wahrheitsgemäß wie …

Bist du mutig, ehrgeizig, loyal oder weise? In welches Haus von Hogwarts gehörst du? Nimm an diesem vollständigen Pottermore-Quiz teil, um dein Haus genau zu bestimmen.

Wizarding World on Twitter: “Hello there! If you are still having …

@pottermore. Ooh, thanks for this! Just reached out. Somehow, this song I wrote during the beta becomes relevant again every few years when the site changes …

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